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Thread: Instalēšanas problēmas vBet par vb4.0.8/vbSEO

  1. #1
    Pievienošanās datums
    Nov 2010

    Default Instalēšanas problēmas vBet par vb4.0.8/vbSEO

    Hi there,

    Esmu mēģinājis instalēt vbet un darīt atbilstīgus mērus attiecībā uz integrāciju ar vbseo, bet - un tas var būt mana teksta redaktoru vai es esmu tikai akls - bet es nevaru atrast nevienu no šīm atrast / nomainīt gadījumiem īpaši failiem

    Note that all vBSEOTM options are configurable by Admin CP->vBSEO->Control Panel
       1. (Required) Set option General Settings->Character Replacement->"Replace Non-English Characters in URLs?" to "Keep Non-English Characters in URLs"
          Since vBETTM translates URLs for threads it is necessary do NOT replace not English characters in URLs.
       2. (Required) Turn off option SEO Functions->Dynamic META TAGS->"Replace the 'META KEYWORDS' Content?"
       3. (Required) Made changes in your .htaccess file according to description here
       4. (Required) SEO links translation integration
             1. Download from server file FORUM_ROOT/vbseo/includes/functions_vbseo_createurl.php
             2. Open it in any text editor
             3. Find:
                $bloginfo['seotitle'] = vbseo_filter_replace_text($bloginfo['title']);
             4. REPLACE it with this code:
                $bloginfo['seotitle'] = vbet_vbseo_filter_replace_text($bloginfo['title']);
             5. Find:
                $vbseo_gcache_thread['seotitle'] = vbseo_filter_replace_text ($ttl);
             6. REPLACE it with this code:
                $vbseo_gcache_thread['seotitle'] = vbet_vbseo_filter_replace_text ($ttl);
             7. Find:
                $replace['%category_title%'] = vbseo_filter_text($c_ttl);
             8. REPLACE it with this code:
                $replace['%category_title%'] = vbet_vbseo_filter_text($c_ttl);
             9. Find:
                $replace['%section_title%'] = vbseo_filter_text($c_ttl);
            10. REPLACE it with this code:
                $replace['%section_title%'] = vbet_vbseo_filter_text($c_ttl);
            11. Find:
                $replace['%entry_title%'] = vbseo_filter_text($c_ttl);
            12. REPLACE it with this code:
                $replace['%entry_title%'] = vbet_vbseo_createCmsArticleLink($c_id, $c_ttl);
            13. Save file and upload it to server, overwriting the old one.
       5. (Required) SEO links translation integration - part 2
             1. Download from server file FORUM_ROOT/vbseo/includes/functions_vbseo_url.php
             2. Open it in any text editor and find:
                $text = strtr($text, $trarr_table);
             3. REPLACE it with this code:
                if (false !== strpos($text, ');
                if (vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('charset') != 'utf-8') {
                $text = preg_replace('/&#([0-9]+);/esiU', 'convert_int_to_utf8(\'\\1\')', $text);
                } else {
                $text = strtr($text, $trarr_table);
             4. Find:
                header ("Location: $fulluri");
             5. PUT BEFORE it this code:
                if (isset($_REQUEST['language'])) {
                require_once(DIR. '/includes/vbenterprisetranslator_functions_url_tracking.php');
                $fulluri = vbet_createURLForAddressNoReplace($_REQUEST['language'], $fulluri);		
             6. Save file and upload it to server, overwriting the old one.
    Var būt šī integrācijas rokasgrāmata ir rakstīts par vbseo iepriekšējo versiju? I´m, izmantojot vbseo 3.5.2. Wth...

    Jebkura palīdzība appreciated.

  2. #2
    vBulletin Enterprise Translator (vBET) personāla
    Pievienošanās datums
    Maijs 2010


    Tas ir norādījums uz 352 vbseo too.
    Vai esat pārliecināts, ka jūs mēģināt rediģēt labs failus?
    jābūt: _createurl.php un _url.php no vbseo/inculdes/ mapi.

    Lūdzu, pārliecinieties, ka tad, kad jums kopēt līniju (lai atrastu un aizstātu SEO failus) no mūsu norādījumu Jums nav kopēt to ar vietu uz beigām.

  3. #3
    Pievienošanās datums
    Nov 2010


    Nav kādu laiku atbildēt, tā jārisina, jo tagad

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