View Full Version : Open Vbet Error online users Vb 4.1.4

11-06-11, 16:48
Vbet powoduje błąd na mojej stronie:

Online users: odnośnik na samym dole strony pokazuję błąd datebase, zainicjowaną przez Vbet

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.4:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT IF(userid > 0, 1, 0) as isuser, COUNT(session.userid) as online_users
, user.vbet_def_lang AS vbet_def_lang
FROM _session as session

WHERE session.lastactivity > 1307804989 ? ? ? ?GROUP BY isuser; MySQL Error: Unknown column 'cheese.vbet_def_lang' in 'field list' Error Number : 1054 Request Date: Saturday, June 11th 2011 @ 11:39:49 AM Error Date: Saturday, June 11th 2011 @ 11:39:49 AM Script: http://gooutdoor.co/online.php referrer : gooutdoor.co (http://gooutdoor.co/forum.php) IP Address: xxxxxxxx Username: xxxxxxxx classname : vB_Database MySQL Version: 0.91-5.log problem was set up after upgrade from vb to 4.1.3. to 4.1.4 Help

12-06-11, 10:39
Hi. First please check do you have column vbet_def_lang in your user table. Also is it User or user? If the column doesn't exists, please import vBET product file again. It should be created during installation.

As I see in your query there is no table user taken at all.. We tested it on vB4.1.2 - I'm checking vB sources right now, also I will test it on 4.1.4. Please tell how to reproduce - on which page you see this issue?

12-06-11, 10:44
I just checked vBET and vBulletin codes. vBET adds this column to query by hook online_query. And vBulltin 4.2.1 uses there query:

SELECT user.username, session.useragent, session.location, session.lastactivity,
user.userid, user.options,
session.host, session.badlocation, session.incalendar, session.inthread,
user.aim, user.icq, user.msn, user.yahoo, user.skype,
IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid, user.usergroupid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session AS session
". iif($vbulletin->options['WOLguests'], " LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user USING (userid) ", ", " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user") ."
WHERE session.lastactivity > $datecut
". iif(!$vbulletin->options['WOLguests'], " AND session.userid = user.userid", "") ."
ORDER BY $sqlsort $sortorder

I will check how it looks in vB4.1.4 in few minutes.

12-06-11, 11:02
OK. Just checked vB4.1.4 source and it looks similar:

SELECT user.username, session.useragent, session.location, session.lastactivity,
user.userid, user.options,
session.host, session.badlocation, session.incalendar, session.inthread,
user.aim, user.icq, user.msn, user.yahoo, user.skype,
IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid, user.usergroupid
". iif($showmembers AND $showguests AND $showspiders, ", IF(ISNULL(user.username), 1, 0) as isguest", "") ."
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session AS session
". iif($vbulletin->options['WOLguests'], " LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user USING (userid) ", ", " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user") ."
WHERE session.lastactivity > $datecut
". iif(!$vbulletin->options['WOLguests'], " AND session.userid = user.userid", "") .
iif(!$showmembers, " AND ISNULL(user.username)", "") ."
ORDER BY ". iif($showmembers AND $showguests AND $showspiders, "isguest,", "") ." $sqlsort $sortorder LIMIT $limitlower, $perpage
But I just realized that user table is not always joined. And this i the thing. You must have turned on option WOLguests. Then it should be alright.

Please turn the option on and tell is it ok.

For next release I will made changes in vBET code so it will not crash when someone will have the option turned off.

12-06-11, 19:16
The problem is when she wants to go see who is active on the board at the bottom you can check it out. When you want to see a list of crashes me a problem .. How to enable WOLguests?

13-06-11, 00:43
Options should be as follows: (please read): (a ) to the end of you can disable plugin vBET named Get oline users language (b) You can modify the plugin Get oline users language:

if ($vbulletin->options['WOLguests']) {
$hook_query_fields .= ', user.vbet_def_lang AS vbet_def_lang';

Opcje modyfikacji pluginów znajdziesz w Admin cP -> Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager
c) Można włączyć opcję, która operuje parametrem WOLguests to znaczy wAdmin CP -> Setting -> Options -> Who's Online who's online Display Options set the guests. However it is i looked closer to this table and i see that user is used so that otherwise - simply or with assembling the left without either. So, error, which you should not take place (loss or damage only, that this does not know ;)) as a result, the 'b' and 'c' should not work. With this option a is degradująca because off one of functionality ... We can't reproduce this error on our server. Please submit the PM data access to Admin CP and FTP are we are going to issue on the spot and we will solve it instead off functionality.

13-06-11, 03:10
No need to send details of access. I forgot that it was concerned 4.1.4 - I did a test forum and update zreprodukowałem error. Soon will post a quick solution.

13-06-11, 03:29
Now I don't know why it is an error. This is the next question. As for me it looks like the error vBulletin, because on both queries uses a variable $hook_query_fields, and in the second query is not available all of the columns. Error in the system was opened in order officially vBulletin error (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-12392): link to see how they would respond - whether they will be repaired or do not recognize as an error. The current solution is to simply plug-in: Get oline users language. If vBulletin considers this to be his error and it will improve the case will close - after the next update will need to be involved in. If vBulletin will not recognize this as an error, we will fiddling.

13-06-11, 21:59
i installed latest Vbulletin, Vbseo, Vbseo Sitemap and now vbet, everything works perfect, except of the online.php.

Thanks for Help


Database error in vBulletin 4.1.4:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT IF(userid > 0, 1, 0) as isuser, COUNT(session.userid) as online_users
, user.vbet_def_lang AS vbet_def_lang
FROM session as session

WHERE session.lastactivity > 1307997785

GROUP BY isuser;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'user.vbet_def_lang' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Monday, June 13th 2011 @ 10:58:05 PM
Error Date : Monday, June 13th 2011 @ 10:58:05 PM
Script : http://forum.bitcoins-deutschland.de/online.php
Referrer : http://forum.bitcoins-deutschland.de/online.php
IP Address :
Username : admin
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version : 5.0.51a-24+lenny5

14-06-11, 14:30
Thanks fro note. We are already aware about this (thread merged). We noted it as official vBulletin bug and we are waiting to see will vBulletin admit it is their bug and correct it or we will have to fight with it on our side (vBulletin bug report (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-12392)).

Quick fix for now: please just disable plugin Get oline users language.

14-06-11, 16:42
I dont understand your solution. Please explain it.

15-06-11, 14:53
I dont understand your solution. Please explain it.

No problem :)
1. Please go to Admin CP -> Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager
2. Find plugin named: Get oline users language
3. Unset checkbox in its line
4. Go to de bottom of page and click button Save Active Status

And that's it :) Please note that it is not real solution - just workaround, because it disables one functionality (showing flag for user default language on online page). For real solution we have to wait until vBulletin decides will it be corrected on their side (we think that it is vBulletin bug).

24-06-11, 21:33
This is the same error currently present in the Point Market mod.

26-06-11, 01:23
firstly - please paste url to your forum with this issue,
secondly - try to use quick fix from previous post (vBET post)

27-06-11, 04:38
Wasn't talking about vbet on my site. I don't have it yet. Still waiting to receive it.

28-06-11, 16:07
And now you have it :) Please note that PayPal is faster because you get license automatically and instantly after payment. In case of Western Union we need to go to bank to take the money and then your license is crated.

04-07-11, 12:52
Hello - just installed VBET and am now getting these errors - any help, please?

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.4:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT IF(userid > 0, 1, 0) as isuser, COUNT(session.userid) as online_users
, user.vbet_def_lang AS vbet_def_lang
FROM vb3_session as session

WHERE session.lastactivity > 1309779092

GROUP BY isuser;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'user.vbet_def_lang' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Monday, July 4th 2011 @ 12:46:32 PM
Error Date : Monday, July 4th 2011 @ 12:46:32 PM
Script : The Clan (http://www.jointheclan.com/forum/online.php)
Referrer : The Clan (http://www.jointheclan.com/forum/forum.php)
IP Address :
Username : Darkened
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

04-07-11, 15:51

04-07-11, 23:05
Exactly (thanks norku ;)) - this is known issue which have solution:
Please fallow quick fix there.

Please note that this is not vBET but, but vBulletin bug - we officially send bug report to vBulletin and it is already in confirmed state - we hope that in next vBulletin version it will be corrected and you will be able to turn on the plugin again. At this moment just one small vBET feature is not available (showing flags for users default language on online users page). If you are curious about vBulletin ream progress in solving this issue here is link to the bug report: Login Required - vBulletin JIRA (http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-12392)

Please tell do you need any more assistance for this issue :)

Thread merged with the first one about the issue.

07-08-11, 18:57
When you go to What's Going On at the bottom of the main forum page and want to see who's online, it gives an error message: SaabWorld (http://saabworld.net/online.php)

I noticed it also shows an error on your site: http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.com/forum/online.php

07-08-11, 19:18
When you go to What's Going On at the bottom of the main forum page and want to see who's online, it gives an error message: SaabWorld (http://saabworld.net/online.php)

I noticed it also shows an error on your site: http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.com/forum/online.php

Please see here for solution: http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.com/forum/vbet4-troubleshooting/1952-vbet-error-online-users-vb-4-1-4-a-2.html#post9251

08-08-11, 16:26
Thanks so much, fix worked great. :)

10-08-11, 02:06
Got the following error after upgrading to VB4.1.5:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT IF(userid > 0, 1, 0) as isuser, COUNT(session.userid) as online_users
, user.vbet_def_lang AS vbet_def_lang
FROM session as session

WHERE session.lastactivity > 1312876228

GROUP BY isuser;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'user.vbet_def_lang' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Tuesday, August 9th 2011 @ 04:20:28 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, August 9th 2011 @ 04:20:28 PM
Script : PredatoryFishKeepers.com (http://www.predatoryfishkeepers.com/forums/online.php)
Referrer : PredatoryFishKeepers.com (http://www.predatoryfishkeepers.com/forums/forum.php)
IP Address :
Username : Schmike
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.92-community

10-08-11, 16:49
Got the following error after upgrading to VB4.1.5:

Please see here for solution: http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.com/forum/vbet4-troubleshooting/1952-vbet-error-online-users-vb-4-1-4-a-2.html#post9251

11-08-11, 02:28
I did raise an issue on this in vBulletin support forum and was told that this is a vBet plugin bug.

11-08-11, 20:15
I did raise an issue on this in vBulletin support forum and was told that this is a vBet plugin bug.

Of course this is caused by vBET, but because of vBulletin bug which was added by vBulletin team in vB4.1.4 (as I remember). The root cause is confirmed vBulletin bug. Just fallow the link send before and you will find:
1. Quick fix
2. Link to vBulletin bug report (status: confirmed)

In other words – vBET uses here vBulletin hook which has bug. So not using the hook will eliminate the issue. And it is not vBET bug - it affects EACH mod which is trying to use the hook and add own query statement with user columns. Please fallow quick fix instructions which will disable one vBET functionality. This functionality (showing user flag on who is online) will be able to use again after vBulletin team fix their bug.

12-08-11, 02:28
Have applied the workaround. Thanks.

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